I will show you and discuss the real truths about the backswing. It may not be what you have been led to believe....
Storing energy in the backswing and downswing is huge in how much power we can release at the right point in the swing. Width becomes load.
Most golfers- even PGA Tour players- have habits they gravitate towards that can cause their swing to not perform as well. Nobody is immune to this.
Getting the shoulders to turn correctly pays huge dividends for the direction the arms and club move and how the body works. Proper sequence is everything. Watch to learn the desired shoulder movement.
Will a perfect backswing find a perfect impact or downswing path? - No. So that's why understanding and becoming good at the 430 entry will find the perfect backswing for you.
Does the club have to face directly towards the target at the end of the backswing? No, it doesn't. There are many options that can work.
The backswing and downswing are two forces moving in different directions. One is backwards that becomes forwards. The other is away that becomes downwards and then ends up forwards. Make sense? Probably not...but watch this video & also understand the role of each in great ball striking.
This student is a very good striker of the ball, but her hip action caused some inconsistency from time to time with start line and shaping.
Lag- Loading- Angles.....Creating the loading of the shaft is crucial to keep the lag angle well into the downswing. Lag is your friend- IF you know how to do it correctly.
Using the legs correctly in the downswing is a sure-fire way to help improve to a better swing path and overall better balance throughout the swing. This video combines many ideas previously shown about the legwork on the backswing and a drill to help make it all happen.